Allergy Drops: Long-Lasting Allergy Relief  

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Think you know what's causing your allergies?

Many types of allergens affect people differently, which makes it important to seek help from professionals. Learn the symptoms, test your knowledge, and discover the steps you can take to prevent symptoms from slowing down your life with our allergy quiz.

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If you suffer from allergies then you know the daily struggle all too well. You probably feel like you can’t ever get your headaches, itchy eyes, cough, or breathing problems under control. You may be able to find some success controlling your symptoms using allergy medications but what if it was possible to find long-lasting relief that targeted the root of the problem? This is possible with immunotherapy.

An immunotherapy plan can help treat the underlying causes of your allergies by retraining your immune system. Real and lasting results are possible.

Schedule today to find out how allergy drops can help.

Types of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy, aka allergy medicine, has been used for more than a century for allergy treatment. It is done by exposing your body to trace amounts of your unique allergens. Over time your body will begin to learn to respond to the allergens normally and your allergic reactions will decrease.

At Hillcrest ENT we can develop a treatment plan that is unique to you based on your allergy tests and examination. We will be able to increase your allergen tolerance safely.

There are two main types of immunotherapy to choose from:

  • Allergy Shots deliver an allergy solution into the body using a small injection once a week under medical supervision
  • Allergy Drops are a modern form of immunotherapy. Allergy drops are placed under the tongue (sublingual) by the patient in the convenience of their home.
Immunotherapy option: allergy shot vs allergy drops

Are Allergy Drops Better Than Allergy Shots?

Both of these methods are effective and whether you choose shots or drops is completely up to you. More people are choosing sublingual allergy drops as they become available. This is due to their convenience and the freedom they offer.

No matter what you choose, our team will be able to answer all of your questions and make sure the treatment plan is right for you.

Be in Control of Your Allergy Treatment

Allergy drops can help you take back control and come with many advantages:

  • Few clinic visits means lower cost - allergy drops generally cost around the same as allergy shots but you can save on trips to the doctor, hours missed at work, and reclaim the value of your time.
  • No needles means no pain - you just place the liquid under your tongue for 1 - 2 mins before swallowing.
  • Convenience - deliver the allergy drops at the time and place that is convenient for you

You can have an effective allergy treatment plan on your time with allergy drops!

Patient happy with his treatment options

Get Rid Of Your Allergies At Hillcrest ENT

Our professionals understand that your allergies are unique to you. We will work to discover your allergy profile and develop a solution that is the best for your situation.

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